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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

How People Get Here

It's always interesting to look at what Google search queries bring people here. Here's an example from the past day or two...
So there you have it - lust, sex, movie quotes, and those darn "Dimples of Venus" (that one's a regular recurrance). Interesting. What does that say about our readers? And what does it say about me? Hmm...

It's also interesting (and a little puzzling) to note that even though we have a fair amount of traffic - 30-50 unique readers a day - hardly anyone leaves comments. Which makes you wonder, are these real people? Do they just say "What the heck is this?!?!" and move on, or do they actually read it and consider? Not sure I have any answers here, but it's interesting to consider...


At 4:56 PM, January 31, 2007, Blogger Krissy said...

hummm...this post is scary. A little Big Brother-esque. How do you computer people do these things?

At 5:08 PM, January 31, 2007, Blogger Pilgrim in Progress said...

Yeah, we've got our people watching your house even as I type this. You should be more careful about what you say online. It might come back to haunt you...

Ok, ok, just a little humor there! :-)

There's a cool website called - you sign up (free), create a project for your particular blog, and they generate a little chunk of HTML that you can embed in your blog template. Every time someone hits your blog, it pings statcounter. Then when you go to statcounter and log in, you can see summaries of how many people have been viewing, etc.

Let me know if you need more info. But be forewarned, it can be quite depressing. :-)

At 6:33 PM, January 31, 2007, Blogger Krissy said...

some knowledge i can do without

At 8:22 AM, February 04, 2007, Blogger Hannah said...

I always start to leave a comment, and then realize that it's not that bright. Then I hit delete, re-read your post, and think, "I hope he keeps going with his blog. it is SO good!"

It happens almost every time.

At 8:52 PM, February 05, 2007, Blogger Pilgrim in Progress said...

Well that's very kind of you, Hannah, thanks. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't leave comments! Glad to have you here...


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