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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Why Plant A Church in Missoula, MT?

Someone recently left these comments on our What the Church is All About post:
I enjoyed looking through your site... and was particularly interested in seeing you were wanting to move to Missoula, MT... I grew up in MT and spent many years in Missoula...

However, I have to say, your post "what the church is all about" got a rise out of me! Overall, I agree with everything you had to say...

Mission exists because worship doesn't...
Yahweh is a missional god...
True worship must include mission...

And I liked the two convictions you drew from the above... planting churches to the unchurched (I read unreached) and you plant churches that do the same...

But you stated that you were going to answer what turns out to be an important question to me: why plant a church in Missoula, MT?

I was a part of a bible believing, spirit lead, missions minded church in Missoula (Oh.... right, wrong denomination probably...) A church that actually had planted another church in the "poorest" part of town because there was no church there (but again, probably the wrong denomination...)

I know, I'm just some fake christian who probably smokes and drinks to much and just doesn't "get it"...

But let me just say this, for those who can hear... there are places in the world where there is currently NO CHURCH... why don't you grow some and actually have the where with all to plant a church there?

You'll even have the market on the right denomination...

I know this comes off badly, I don't mean to be a jerk... but why don't you just cut the bull and say it as it is... you want to move to MT and there isn't any denomination you currently attend there...
That's a very good question (which is why we placed it in it's own post back on the front page) - it voices a common concern that many feel about church planting (it also seems to illustrate the curious fact that a church plant is often more threatening to other Christians than it is to unbelievers).

So how would you respond? How did we? Click on over to the original post to see our comments and leave your own...