it's a boy!!!
we went to the doctor for an ultrasound today. here's what greeted us:

so, we'd like to introduce you to joshua ryan sutherland. he's our 2nd son and we are proud that, like joshua of the bible, he will be the first of our family to lead us into the promise land. if you haven't heard joshua ryan's story click here.
it's so ironic that my wife is carrying both a blessing and a curse. my friend shane was pointing out this observation recently. on the one hand, rachel's womb carries all the blessing that comes with a pregnancy and all the hope and expectation of new life. but at the same time, her womb carries all the curses of adam's sin and the fall...all in the span of 9 months. it's such a paradox.
here's a couple more pics of joshua from today's photo shoot:

Ah Ryan, congratulations and consolations at the same time.
I think Joshua is a fine name (yeah, even better than Jack), and I really appreciate you keeping us all involved. You share with such joy, and its a good reminder for all of us to see someone blessing God even in the midst of what seems like an awfully heavy load to bear.
We will continue to pray for you and Rachel and Bridger and Joshua, and pray that God would even in the womb God would be little Joshua's rock and fortress. It is so good to know that God's grace is not limited by our ability to "get it" intellectually and respond cognitively - God's grace is fully sufficient to comfort your child both in life and in death.
Enjoy him while you have him, brother, and look forward to the day when you will both worship God together.
I am sorry to hear about your baby. I will be praying for you and your baby son. I prayed to God for a baby brother, and he litened and gave us one. I will pray that God heals your baby and allows him to live.
Love, Korban
We are all praying for you. May God be your consolation.
As Jesus brought Lazarus out of the tomb, full of life and praising God,
we pray that He will bring your son out of the womb, full of life and praising God.
Our hearts go out you. May we learn to praise our Saviour in all things.
I echo all of the above family members' comments. Even my six year old nephew, Korban, got in on the action before me. I am always slow on the uptake with these things, because I know there are not many words that we humans can say, which will comfort completely. So I entrust the four of you to God's love and care through my fervent prayers. I also want you to know that I wept when I saw the pictures and read your comments. I think it's a blessing that we as Christians can weep with each other and also ultimately rejoice with each other. Our hope is always in eternity and in Christ, which;
"does not blot our sorrow. As Nikcholas Woterstorff writes in Lament for a Son, we are "aching visionaries." But knowing the end reveals that sorrow and death don't win. For those who know Christ, life and joy are the last word." (Depression A Stubborn Darkness by Ed Welch)
We love you all.
Ryan and Rachel,
Thanks for keeping us updated. May the Lord graciously reveal himself to both of you now and in the difficult months ahead. And may our loving Father bless little Joshua Ryan - won't it be grand to have his face greet you when you enter the Promised Land!
Ryan and Rachel,
I have loved Joshua Ryan since the day I heard his tiny body was growing in Rachel. I continue to pray there was an error in the diagnosis. I know God is by no means finished with this precious baby. I'll continue to love him and reflect upon the good things his life will bring to our family and all who hear his and your story.
I love all of you,
Your Sister
Ryan, Joshua is a nice name even though I did like "Jack." I am sorry and I will be praying for you. My cousin who is six beat me to posting and I will start checking the blog when I can.Baseball makes it hard but I HAVE been fishing. In fact I went and stood in a river today while it was 34 degrees outside. I stood waving a stick and you know? It's peaceful. I will pray for you Ryan.
I guess these are those times when us laymen don’t know what to say. I will say that I admire you and Rachel’s strength through this whole thing. If I said that I thought that I would handle the situation the same, or even half as good as you, then I would be lying to you. I would also like to thank you for being completely open with me about where you are and sharing this experience with me. Are late night chats have been valuable too me. I can only hope that they have been equally valuable to you.
I wish you both well, and if you need to talk, you know where to find me. Good luck with work and school as well.
Rachel and I want to thank all of you in our "blog community" for your supportive and encouraging comments. This is a very tough time, but it is very helpful to know that so many are going through this with us.
It is interesting that I have all of this theology that speaks to this situation that tells me "God is in control" and "God has a good and perfect plan." Not that I doubt any of that, but it still hurts a lot. I know that sorrow is part of growing pains and so in some ways I am thankful too. At the same time it sucks going through it and there is a lot of pain in our hearts in spite of all the truth in our heads.
I say that to encourage all of you to keep speaking truth and Scripture to us. That seems to be what helps during these hard times. Remind us that God answers prayers and that His love endures forever. Remind is that we are sharing in Christ's sufferings.
Every night, we bless our children as they go to bed:
"This is how you are to bless the children of Israel. You will say to them:
'The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you
The Lord turn His face towards you and grant you His peace'
In this way you shall invoke My Name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them."
Numbers 6:23- 27
And for our boys, we add:
"By you Israel will pronounce blessing, saying,
'May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh!'"
Genesis 48:20
Not only has this been a blessing to our children, it has been a blessing to both Jenn and I.
We would encourage you to lay your hands on your sons and say this every night.
Something that just came to me as I was writing:
Manasseh should have been blessed first, but Israel blessed Ephraim instead. God will have His way despite what the experts think. This I know.
But irregardless the outcome, we shall praise him.
"O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter.
If it be so, our God whom we serve is is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.
But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up."
Daniel 3:16- 18
And finally; Psalm 138, esp. vss. 7-8.
He does not forsake the work of His hands.
Prayerfully yours,
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